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The School of Ministry Home Office is located at 1400 Norris Road, Bakersfield, California 93308.

Student Life

There are no dormitory facilities, sports programs, or worldly extra-curricular activities at The School of Ministry. As can be expected, most students are older believers (average age of approximately 35 years), who either desire to complete their Christian education on a part-time basis and begin their ministry. Our students vary in experience, nationality, age, and sex. They range from active members of congregations to those who are newly “born again.” Most are involved in “help” ministries such as church outreaches, youth ministries, “homes for unwed mothers,” evangelistic endeavors, prison ministry, or drug rehabilitation facilities. However, there are those who are seeking God for their calling as well. Our student body makes classes very interesting because of the close affiliation within the body of Christ, the call in ministry, and the diverse experiences that are found within the student population.


Students are expected to attend classes regularly and punctually. Excessive absences and tardiness could result in the student not receiving a Certificate of Completion and will potentially be asked to leave school. This decision is at the discretion of the Chancellor.

Course Information

All in-house classes are given on a 10 week quarterly basis with an extra week added for finals.


Typical grades are: A = Excellent; B = Average; C = Meets Requirements; D = Below Requirements but passing; F = Did not meet sufficient requirements to pass; and WD = Withdrawn.